Archive Build 2018-11-18/R/data.R

# set.seed(5641324)
# # simulating 2 covariates to predict time to event
# seq.n = 15
# sjosmooth.tbl = tibble::tibble(x = seq(from = 0, to = 1, length.out = seq.n),
#                                y = seq(from = 0, to = 1, length.out = seq.n))
# sjosmooth.tbl = tidyr::complete(sjosmooth.tbl, x, y)
# # simulating the time to event outcome assuming a correct Cox model
# sjosmooth.tbl = dplyr::mutate(sjosmooth.tbl,
#                               xb = x + y,
#                               time.true = -log(runif(seq.n^2, 0, 1)) * exp(-xb),
#                               time.cens = runif(seq.n^2, 0, max(time.true)),
#                               time.obs = pmin(time.true, time.cens),
#                               event = as.numeric(time.true<= time.cens))
# # creating a data.frame version of the data
# sjosmooth.df = data.frame(sjosmooth.tbl)
# #appending datasets to package
# usethis::use_data(sjosmooth.tbl, sjosmooth.df, overwrite = TRUE)

#' A simulated tibble used to motivate examples in the \code{sjosmooth} package
#' @format A tibble with 7 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{x}{Covariate x}
#'   \item{y}{Covariate y}
#'   \item{xb}{Linear portion of Cox regression model (i.e. x + y)}
#'   \item{time.true}{The true time to death}
#'   \item{time.cens}{Censoring time}
#'   \item{time.obs}{Observed time to death/censoring time}
#'   \item{event}{Death observed: yes/no (1/0)}
#' }

#' Same as sjosmooth.tbl, but as a data frame.  Primarily used for testing.
#' A simulated data frame used to motivate examples in the \code{sjosmooth} package
#' @format A data frame with 7 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{x}{Covariate x}
#'   \item{y}{Covariate y}
#'   \item{xb}{Linear portion of Cox regression model (i.e. x + y)}
#'   \item{time.true}{The true time to death}
#'   \item{time.cens}{Censoring time}
#'   \item{time.obs}{Observed time to death/censoring time}
#'   \item{event}{Death observed: yes/no (1/0)}
#' }
ddsjoberg/sjosmooth documentation built on May 14, 2019, 5:16 p.m.